Village of Hyas, Saskatchewan


Photo of Hyas elevators taken in 1986 (above)

    Photos of Hyas (above)  -  (mouse pointer will pause the scroll)




Click here for Hyas Information




Hyas building:  Moved from Hyas in 2012.  

Now restored and on display in Dauphine Historical Village.



(click on photo below)

First Photo of Hyas, 1905


Map to Hyas


































New Golden Age HOURS:

Monday - Friday

8:30am - 10:30am   AND   2:00pm - 4:00pm


no membership required!

(come for coffee)

Video of Hyas - 2017 (Click Here)

RM of Clayton 333 Website



2019 Hyas Centennial Celebration

 Official Hyas Centennial Website>>>

August 2, 3 & 4 - 2019

Hyas, Saskatchewan


* This event was a big success.  Special thank you to Kathy Checkowy, Adele Hildebrand, Patsy Letwiniuk, and all the volunteers who helped at the event.


See photos of the Hyas Centennial Celebration at:


See Videos of the event at:


and video # 2:


** Note: Videos will not work on all systems.  Works best with updated version of Firefox.  Also works well on iphones.




Hyas 100 Year Anniversary

August 2, 3 & 4 - 2019

Photos and videos can be ordered:




             Kathy Checkowy (306) 594-3100 days,  (306) 594-2487 evening, (306) 594-7350 cell

            Patsy Letwiniuk (306) 594-2187 Home  Cell:  306-594-8163 



Help SAVE St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church & Cemetery

2 miles North of Stenen



In May 2019, a fire destroyed the bell tower, kitchen, garage and outhouse at the

St. Mary's Orthodox Church and Cemetery, 2 miles North of Stenen (Anaka's Church).  

The church itself was not harmed by the fire but is in need of work as does the cemetery.

Due to costs related to the fire, funding to do these necessary repairs is limited.

We are desperately asking for donations to keep the cemetery and church going for years to come.

We are especially reaching out to people who have loved ones buried in the cemetery.

This is a community cemetery with a long-standing historical persence since 1905.

The church was built in 1908.


Please help save the church and cemetery:


Donate at:  GOFUNDME


or cheques will be accepted.  Mail to:


Holy Assumption Orthodox Church - Stenen

c/o Lilia Livingstone

Box 475

Norquay, SK.

S0A 2V0



Baseball Website:



"For many years a baseball rivalry existed between the Stenen Baseball Team and the Hyas Baseball Team. That rivalry was never as strong as it was in the 1930 season. Hyas had a group of baseball players which were so overwhelmingly strong that no baseball team in the league or area were able to overcome them. Hyas won the NESBL Championship hands down in the 1930 season. Hyas would also enter and win most of the tournaments in the area that year. The players which made up the core nucleus of the Hyas team were:

Anton BelousAllen Yewel coach/manager, Anton Belous pitcher, Eric Quist catcher, Matty Gibney 1st base,  E. Quist 2nd base,  Russell Johnson 3rd base, Steve Yurkiw short stop,  Jim Lisoway left field,  Ted Fiala center field,  Andrew Bellous right field, Alf Hanson batboy.

Following the 1930 season, strong Stenen teams were able to capture the league championship 4 seasons in a row, then in 1935 Canora stole the championship away from the dominant Hyas and Stenen teams.

In 1936 Hyas again dominated baseball in the area and were unbeatable as they again claimed the NESBL Championship.

Other baseball players who were instrumental in Hyas's success were:  Geo Lisoway catcher,  Paul Kalturnyk catcher,  Pete Kukura pitcher,  Pete Yatsura short stop,  Vic Lisoway 3rd base,  Nick Yatsura Center field.

The key to the Hyas Team success was the balance in all areas of the game. They had strong leadership from Allan Yewel. Pitching was next to none in the league along with strong catching from Eric Quist. What held the defense together were two outstanding outfielders in Jim Lisoway and Ted Fiala. Lisoway would catch everything and anything that came into his domain even making the impossible catches running between parked cars. Fiala could pick off runners coming home firing the ball like a bullet from center field. All in all, Hyas had the balance and talent to win many tournaments and championships. It is a wonder why the team did not win many many more championships in the 30's and 40's. The reason may well be the fact that the league folded during the war, from 1938 to 1945, which would undoubtedly have been the "Hyas Glory Years of Champions". We will never know!" (Bob Koroluk)

Yorkton This Week Newpaper Article:



                                                                                                                                              © Copyright 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Bob Koroluk



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